[TriLUG] appropriate use of privileged access to TriLUG-owned resources

Magnus stinkfart at gmail.com
Thu May 18 16:18:51 EDT 2006

On 5/18/06, Kevin Sonney <kevin at sonney.com> wrote:
> Chris,

Magnus, actually.  Has been for years.  See "from" header.

> However, I do agree that the idea that "I'm the SysAdmin, Deal with it"
> is the wrong attitude for a member-driven group unless there is prior
> justification based on the actions and attitudes of the member in
> question. I'm sure that you've NEVER done anything to justify bot privs
> being revoked on #trilug.

Basic history:
1) I do something to piss off Kevin, whatever it is, it's rather moot.
2) Kevin ignores me.  (everything is fine up to this point)
3) From behind an /ignore, Kevin continues to poke and prod and stir stuff
up with me, knowing he cannot read my responses.  I have the bot @lart him
to just chill out and proceed with his /ignore.
4) Kevin has the bot /ignore me.

If you want to /ignore someone in IRC, whatever, that's fine.  It's more
than a bit nasty to announce (often) the /ignore and continue to taunt that
person from behind it.  Whatever, fine, that's free speech.  Nasty but still
probably defensible in a libertarian sense.  The line is crossed when one of
the people in the situation uses their privileged rights to start denying
other members access to LUG resources.  OK so it's just a silly IRC bot
today.  Will it be my mail spool tomorrow?

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