[TriLUG] [Fwd: RE: bit of feedback]
Ben Pitzer
bpitzer at gmail.com
Tue May 30 11:10:43 EDT 2006
Please remember that you pay nothing to be a member of TriLUG. Our sponsors
aren't getting anything from us but our business. They sponsor us, and
offer us these discounts, which save you money (immediate savings, as there
is no expense to offset for you) without asking much. If you forget your
card, it's on you. The rules are there to make sure that the sponsor
doesn't get ripped off by some slacker who is too lazy to even show up to a
meeting ONE TIME to get a membership card. I don't think that they're
asking too much.
So please be kind to our sponsors so that they will be kind to us. They
don't have to offer us a discount, and if this is the feedback that they see
from us, the couple of dollars that they get out of our organization might
not be worth it to them anymore. Remember that. Thanks.
-Ben Pitzer
On 5/29/06, Jason Tower <jason at cerient.net> wrote:
> response from intrex below
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: bit of feedback
> Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 10:57:53 -0400
> From: Ramzi Ziade <rziade at intrex.net>
> Reply-To: <rziade at intrex.net>
> To: 'Jason Tower' <jason at cerient.net>
> Jason,
> The Intrex stores should have copies of a typical Trilug card, so it is
> not
> a problem recognizing what it looks like. The issue that came up in the
> Cary
> store was simply that the Trilug member did not have his card with him.
> There is no way for our staff to know otherwise who is a member and who is
> not, and of course this discount is exclusive to Trilug. In one of our
> managers meetings, someone mentioned that a regular customer saw a Trilug
> member be given the discount and the customer proceeded to falsely ask for
> the same discount claiming he is a Trilug member as well.
> Moreover, we cannot enter a Trilug member's number into his/her Intrex
> account & maintain it, since we have no idea when these expire or whether
> someone has renewed their membership or not, and so on .... Not to mention
> the maintenance required.
> With that said, if there is an easy way our staff can go to an on-line
> database you guys maintain to verify names and numbers, then it would be
> no
> problem, and your guys won't need their cards on them, a simple i.d. check
> and cross-reference to the database would suffice. Other than that I am
> not
> sure what we can do.
> Regards,
> Ramzi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Tower [mailto:jason at cerient.net]
> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 5:37 PM
> To: Ramzi Ziade
> Cc: The Steering Committee for TriLUG
> Subject: bit of feedback
> this came up on our mailing list recently, just wanted to pass it along
> to you (the original post, and one of my replies):
> http://www.trilug.org/pipermail/trilug/Week-of-Mon-20060522/042483.html
> http://www.trilug.org/pipermail/trilug/Week-of-Mon-20060522/042488.html
> if there's anything we can do to help alleviate this situation (like
> provide sample trilug membership cards to each store) please let me
> know. thanks again for your sponsorship of trilug, hopefully this is a
> minor glitch that can easily be worked out. let me know if you have any
> questions,
> jason tower
> trilug steering committee chairman
> --
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