[TriLUG] Playing with RT Tracker

Dave Sorenson dave at logicalgeek.com
Wed Aug 30 11:49:12 EDT 2006

WOO HOO!! It's working.. under mod_perl and running very snappy..  for 
the curious, I ripped everything out and started  from scratch. There 
was something in there that was causing trouble. If I get a chance I'll 
try to do a post mortum later.

On the plus side ALL of my PERL has been updated- twice! ;)

Thanks for all the help!


Owen Berry wrote:
> Just an FYI, if you haven't had experience with mod_perl before, it
> shouldn't be slow - in fact it should be pretty fast. Either RT Tracker
> is dog slow (not written well, or just has a lot to do), or there was
> something wrong with your installation (either RT or mod_perl). You
> probably won't care if you get it working well under fastCGI though. :-)
> Owen
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 10:16:17AM -0400, Dave Sorenson wrote:
>> I actually had things running under mod_perl after doing exactly that, 
>> but it was dog slow. The trouble started when I tried to muck with 
>> things and install fastCGI as a comparison. I finally got all the 
>> dependency's to install and now I'm on the trail of what I think is an 
>> fastcgi config error- the mason_handler.fcgi fails to remain running 
>> (beats head against the wall, but maintains sense of humor)
>> Dave
>> Owen Berry wrote:
>>> If CentOS4 has the same versions of mod_perl and Perl modules as RHEL4,
>>> which I assume it has, that might be causing you some problems. RHEL4
>>> runs mod_perl 1.99, which seems to be very similar to mod_perl2, but
>>> isn't and causes some confusion for other mod_perl dependant modules and
>>> code. The mod_perl guys did rename modules for mod_perl 2, but that
>>> isn't surprising as it was a big change. But with Red Hat sticking to
>>> 1.99 you get the old naming with new interfaces. What a mess! Your error
>>> about not being able to find apache2::something is indicative of this
>>> situation.
>>> The only way I could things to work under mod_perl was to install
>>> Perl modules via rpm's packaged for RHEL ... nothing 3rd party.
>>> Another alternative would be to install from source and make sure you
>>> really are running mod_perl 2 under Apache 2. CPAN is your friend.
>>> Owen
>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 10:48:13PM -0400, Dave Sorenson wrote:
>>>> I'm playing with RT Tracker for a possible solution to support requests 
>>>> @ work. I've got it running with apache2 using mod_perl on my test 
>>>> server and boy howdy is it slow. It takes 50 seconds just to load the 
>>>> log-in screen. I've tried to add the fastcgi to the server and have been 
>>>> getting an arcane error message "cant find apache2:something or another" 
>>>> and install fails. I "think" it has something to do with the renaming 
>>>> the PERL folks did. I haven't even begun to test e-mail integration.
>>>> Should RT be painful running under mod_perl? And by painful I mean it 
>>>> actually locked the server this afternoon. Anyone have any tips for 
>>>> getting fastcgi to install on CentOS4?
>>>> The RT wiki warns of dependency heck, but this is almost too much!
>>>> TIA Dave

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