[TriLUG] why is it slow?

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 18:34:05 EDT 2006

On 9/13/06, Aaron S. Joyner <aaron at joyner.ws> wrote:

> So this post isn't entirely useless - my gut instinct is that the
> problem is related to the "u-turn" problem as described, but I'm at a
> loss to explain precisely the internals of why.  Assuming the NAT
> implementation is anything close to *sane* on the embedded router, this
> really shouldn't be a problem.  Then again, don't trust the Chinese or
> Korean guy who wrote the firmware to have done a sensible job on his
> first programming project.

I've had appliance routers (SMS I think) which refused to recognize
"U-turn" addressing.

Unlike Brian, there are routers that do this, the Netgear I'm using
now has no problem with it.

Just out of curiosity how would you set up NAT routing in Linux to do
this, with port forwarding?  For example say:

wan-interface gets it's ip address from isp via dhcp
lan devices use as gateway.

for requests coming from either outside or inside:
     http connections to wan ip address get forwarded to
     wan ssh connections to wan ip address get forwarded to


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