[TriLUG] Asterisk for the office

Brian Henning brian at strutmasters.com
Thu Nov 9 12:16:50 EST 2006

Hi Y'all,
   Coming back around to the Asterisk topic again..  Now that we're 
looking at the possibility of expanding off-site operations, having a 
completely-VoIP office telephony solution is seeming more and more 
prudent.  So I'm looking for some advice from folks who have deployed 
whole-office systems using Asterisk (as well as input from folks that 
have used non-Open-Source software).  I've already thought of the 
following points:

- Need a real butt-kicking server to handle as many as 24 inbound lines 
(using a Digium TDM2400), plus however many inter-office calls may be 
occurring (plus room for expansion).  Right now I'm contemplating a Core 
2 Extreme-based system.

- In the absence of intelligent managed switchgear, need separate 
switchgear for 100bT for the phones.  Possibly with PoE.

- Need to have all the features of our existing PBX.  General 
call-handling features are a cinch with * dialplan and applications, but 
I'm finding, in particular, the "page" or "intercom" feature seems to be 
more of a challenge in the VoIP world.  Paging ability is essential.

- Phones need to be simple enough that our folks can use them, but 
complex enough to handle things like paging.  I've seen recommendations 
for the Cisco 7960 set.  Price is a consideration, as our initial 
investment will be 30 phones.

I'm also all-ears for other options.  It'd be fantastic in $boss's eyes, 
I'm sure, if we didn't have to abandon the investment we've already made 
in our current Nortel MICS system.  Unfortunately, so far the only way 
I've found to interface the PBX with an Asterisk system is via analog 
adapters.  Icky, because of course then you lose a lot of the PBX 
features for the Asterisk users.

Also, if there's anyone that would like to come visit our facility, 
evaluate our current system and our needs and make a quote, I'd be very 
happy to entertain it.

Thanks a lot!

Brian A. Henning

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