[TriLUG] Triangle Open Source Lab meeting 5/24 from 7 PM until 9 PM - RSVP
J.C. Jones
jonesjc at intrex.net
Wed May 16 10:44:20 EDT 2007
Tanner and all,
I agree that installfests and Linux Learning would be good activities to
enlarge our knowledge and possibly enlarge Trilug's membership. I have
several friends who have business properties that could be used as
meeting places for medium size groups. ( not as large as our present
meeting facilities ) plus if everyone is on their best behavior, I know
of one church fellowship hall that could be used.
Steering Committee: If you decide to do an installfest or classes,
please let me know if I can help.
Tanner Lovelace wrote:
>On 5/16/07, Steven T. Davis <STDavis at doc.state.nc.us> wrote:
>>Thank you for the information. I have enjoyed the Trilug meetings I have attended, but I would like to know if there is an organization or group for beginners with Linux. I have been using Linux for 2 years and have been "preaching" to my fellow workers about the wonderful products from the world of Linux. Finally after the introduction of Vista, some people are starting to listening.
>>Is there an organization or group for newbies and others who are not as technically talented as the member of Trilug?
>>Trilug members are great, but are far more advanced and gifted than I am, but we all share the enthusiasm of our love for Linux and Open Source.
>Once upon a time, TriLUG sponsored weekend classes that went in depth on
>various topics. There haven't been any in a few years, partially because we've
>had trouble finding classroom space, but that doesn't mean they couldn't
>be started up again. TriLUG is NOT just for advanced people. TriLUG is
>supposed to be for all levels of experience.
>Perhaps the new Steering Committee could discuss holding an installfest
>and/or some classes. It's been way too long since we've had a good installfest
>and that is an excellent place for people who don't know much about linux
>to get more information and hands on help.
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