[TriLUG] Triangle Open Source Lab meeting 5/24 from 7 PM until 9 PM - RSVP

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Wed May 16 21:08:38 EDT 2007

Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> On 5/16/07, Steven T. Davis <STDavis at doc.state.nc.us> wrote:
>> Thank you for the information.  I have enjoyed the Trilug meetings I have attended, but I would like to know if there is an organization or group for beginners with Linux.  I have been using Linux for 2 years and have been "preaching" to my fellow workers about the wonderful products from the world of Linux.  Finally after the introduction of Vista, some people are starting to listening.
>> Is there an organization or group for newbies and others who are not as technically talented as the member of Trilug?
>> Trilug members are great, but are far more advanced and gifted than I am, but we all share the enthusiasm of our love for Linux and Open Source.
> Once upon a time, TriLUG sponsored weekend classes that went in depth on
> various topics.  There haven't been any in a few years, partially because we've
> had trouble finding classroom space, but that doesn't mean they couldn't
> be started up again.  TriLUG is NOT just for advanced people.  TriLUG is
> supposed to be for all levels of experience.
> Perhaps the new Steering Committee could discuss holding an installfest
> and/or some classes.  It's been way too long since we've had a good installfest
> and that is an excellent place for people who don't know much about linux
> to get more information and hands on help.

I think it would be great for TriLUG to start up the "class" series 
again and would be happy to share my experiences/comments as one of the 
main organizers of several of the classes, back in 2003-2004.  There 
were a lot of challenges in keeping the energy and enthusiasm to keep 
these classes going on a regular, recurring basis.

I also applaud Jim and his group for the effort to get the Triangle Open 
Source Lab going.  I hope that we can consider this group an "adjunct" 
or "friend of" TriLUG, and hope that the Steering Committee will support 
it as much as they need, such as the way TriLUG supports NC*SA (with 
server hosting), and have helped other groups like "TriWUG" and "Hard 
Cider" in the past.  There are many different ways of studying, 
learning, and advocating for Open Source, and we should be supportive of 
many different approaches.

Good luck Jim and crew, and I hope you can keep TriLUG informed and 

--Jeremy Portzer
former co-chair, TriLUG

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