[TriLUG] invitation to Triangle Open Source Lab - Thursday 28 June 2007 at 7 PM

Jim Ray jim at neuse.net
Mon Jun 25 12:00:00 EDT 2007

Dear Fellow Linux Users,
This Thursday is the night (June 28 at 7 PM) for the next Triangle Open Source Lab.  I'll bring an Axis Video over IP camera and tripod for those that wish to join us virtually using a web browser (let me know if you are interested so I can send you the IP and password when I find out what it is).
We need to decide on a topic.  The existing poll results are here:
It would be nice to have an online discussion regarding topic so we know in advance what we plan to do and make arrangements to have the proper equipment and volunteers to lead the discussion lab.  Create an account from the front page of the web site to post your view (all folks are configured as Joomla authors by default):
Triangle Open Source Lab http://www.triangleopensource.org normally meets on 4th Thursday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM at Exploris in the room adjacent to the IMAX theater.  Meetings are open to the general public and are free yet require registration by calling Jim at 838-1672 or sending email to jim at neuse.net so we can plan accordingly.  Many thanks to Tim Hazlehurst at Exploris for hosting our meeting.
I apologize for not having the ability to personally return all calls and respond to all emails.  Business has hit an all time ten year record high this month after a 20% sustained growth over the last 18 months and after taking on a client in March with 20 sites scattered across the globe.  Plus, my 2 and 5 year olds demand lots of time.  Consequently, it will be necessary for us to share responsibility for the continuity of the Triangle Open Source Lab.  Would anyone like to volunteer to meet perhaps quarterly over lunch or a cold brew ha ha and form a steering committee responsible for future plans?  At a minimum, it would be nice to have a few people that agree to facilitate each meeting on a rotating basis (call to order, equipment set up and tear down, head count, agenda) since I know in advance that I may be traveling out of town a couple of weeks at a time.
Jim Ray, President
Neuse River Networks
tel: 919-838-1672 cell: 919-606-1772
Connecting You to the World since 1997
PS Here's the info on Exploris:
201 E Hargett St
Raleigh NC 27601
Web Site: http://www.exploris.org
Please sign up for the Triangle Open Source Lab discussion list in addition to the blog (register for blog on front page of web site):

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