OlsonE at aosa.army.mil
OlsonE at aosa.army.mil
Fri Sep 7 12:14:35 EDT 2007
-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On
Behalf Of Andrew C. Oliver
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 7:43 AM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion
On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 06:08 -0400, OlsonE at aosa.army.mil wrote:
> I don't use Cygwin, so I can't comment on #1. I cannot say I've
> experienced #2, and I've been using Vista Ultimate since its release
> (and the 64-bit version to boot).
It seems to be based on different file locking semantics than previous
releases and different things that aren't set up to deal with it puke.
> Concerning #3, UAC was put there for a very good reason. Now, if you
> don't want your users to have added security, simply turn it off, and
> that issue's resolved. Sure it's annoying, but you get the exact same
> thing on a Mac, just the dialog box asking for your password does not
> take focus.
But it asks TWICE. It has been a little while since I used OSX
regularly, but it never did that to me. Where do you turn that off?
Also sometimes it tells me I have to have administrator rights...WHEN I
HAVE administrator rights!
> I have not had an issue with #4 yet, but not all hardware changes
> require re-activation.
> I also do not use WinZip, I personally feel that it sucks. I use 7-zip
> or WinRAR instead.
I didn't pick it, it is a "standard install" for some places...
You're like only the second person I've talked to who wasn't beating
their head against the table...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On
> Behalf Of Andrew C. Oliver
> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 12:42 AM
> To: trilug at trilug.org
> So I've been doing a little side work and this has put me in contact
> with Windows Vista. My god this is an unpleasant little operating
> system. Not only does it needlessly move everything around like every
> other Windows NT release, but it seems mainly to be hell bent on
> really good by comparison!
> Top 5 most annoying things that make me want to carpet bomb Redmond,
> WA (sorry Tanner, but I've just read "Mao: the unknown story" and so
> "land reform" is on the mind):
> 1. Cygwin is broken: if you write to files especially with vi (other
> editors are similarly affected but they aren't relevant), Vista will
> exclusively lock them and not release them 2. Vista may lock your
> files anyhow for no obvious reason. If you use eclipse then even
> after exiting eclipse, you cannot edit eclipse.ini directly. (It
> could be that you must just reboot first) copy it to another
> directory, delete the original, edit the copy, copy it
> back...otherwise it will act as if the file is read only or there is a
> permission problem or something (none of the above were true and it
wasn't open anywhere else).
> 3. Are you sure you want to do elementary task? YES. Blur the
> background (which takes a moment where the screen goes black) "Allow
> XX to do elementary task?" (like the mac commercial) YES DAMMIT!
> 4. You have installed some rudimentary periphery that wasn't a flash
> drive, you must reauthorize vista (this doesn't appear to be in the
> corporate version apparently as only home users are pirates haha) 5.
> Winzip something in Vista that has a lot of stuff and some multi-level
> directories... unzip it on XP "Bla cannot find XYZ file that you just
> unzipped". XP->Vista works.
> The cygwin issue and the "are you sure, are you really sure" prompts
> are the biggest for me. They make my Linux driver annoyances with my
> temporary laptop that I bought because my MBP is in the shop again
> look rather minor. (I got intel graphics card, atheros wireless,
> intel sound
> -- but the version of the atheros isn't supported even by the HEAD of
> the atheros driver [ndiswrapper works] and the graphics card isn't
> working with the projector here but it very well could be the
> and I haven't looked into sound yet).
> So I'm glad when my wife broke her laptop that I immediately wiped
> vista and "upgraded" her to XP (her school work is all MS Office and
> she keeps the books). So XP wasn't my preference, I'm a linux junkie,
> but I didn't find it especially unpleasant to use (just slow) when
> using Cygwin...but Vista...OMG Vista.... MS needs some SERIOUS
> I wish we could do like a Linux ad with side by side Ubuntu and
> -Andy
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