[TriLUG] changing software licenses over time

Craig Taylor ctalkobt at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 16:52:13 EDT 2007

My understanding is that if you are the sole author, you are free to
relicense the code however you wish for future versions. However, other
people are free to use the code that you've previously released under the
prior guidelines they were released under (ie: GPLv2) and hence fork it etc.

While you can't retro-actively revoke released source you can decide to no
longer release versions under that source code if you're the sole author -
otherwise you'll need to get agreement from all other contributors.

(Insert IANAL and I am not paid like a lawyer quips here... )

On 10/12/07, Andrew Ball <anball at gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I wrote a project and license it under the GPLv2.  Suppose that
> later
> on I find out that I'm required to have it under a different
> license.  What
> options
> do I have?  Suppose that the sponsor of the project would prefer a BSD
> license or
> a dual license?
> Thanks for your help,
> Andrew
> --
> =======================
> Andrew D. Ball
> 勃安足
> http://wwwx.cs.unc.edu/~adball/blog/
> http://wwwx.cs.unc.edu/~adball/nec_new_voices/
> http://filebox.vt.edu/~anball1/
> --
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