[TriLUG] time warner business class

sholton sholton at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 28 17:37:38 EST 2007

Tim Jowers wrote:
> Just tracert to some outside domain. At least that was my simple test.

An interesting tie-in here to some of the discussions over on Lauren Weinstein's
Network Neutrality Squad mailing list/forum:


One poster recommended Argonne National Lab's tool for network speed measurement.


Ideally, they are looking for a tool which can run in the background
on joe user's machine to measure end-to-end performance in a way that
prevents the ISP from gaming speed measurements by whitelisting
(fast pathing?) a single well-known service.

If TriLUG members have any other network measurement tools which
might be of value to the discussion, feel free to sign-up and post.

Steve Holton
sholton at mindspring.com

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