[TriLUG] Apache Server Gobbling RAM

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Tue Dec 18 23:58:31 EST 2007

At 10:55p -0500 on 18 Dec 2007, Stephen Hoffman wrote:
> I have adjusted
> the MaxClients setting so that at those consumption rates it will only spawn
> 30 servers

> The server is really a static page server with a few CGI's and Server Side
> Includes enabled, but for the most part is a forms repository.

I'm no Apache guru, but are you sure your memory problem is Apache's
fault?  My hunches are, especially since you've reduced both MaxClients
and MaxRequestsPerChild, that the problem either lies in the custom CGI
code, or that you've been cracked.  This would manifest itself as
Apache's memory, because it's running other code dynamically through
itself.  Apache code is, for the most part, pretty well optimized.

Shooting elsewhere in the dark, are you sure you've removed all unused
Apache modules?


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