[TriLUG] bash scripting - formatting and verifying input

James Olin Oden james.oden at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 15:42:42 EST 2008

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Kevin Hunter <hunteke at earlham.edu> wrote:
> At 10:06a -0500 on Fri, 29 Feb 2008, James Olin Oden wrote:
>  > Finally, bad perl comes from bad programmers.   Its not the
>  > language...trust me I have seen bad Python....it is really possible
>  > to write bad code in any language.
>  Touche.  My point should not have been Perl specific.  Just using the
>  FUD to my advantage!  ;-)
No worries, because unfortunately there is a lot of bad perl.  I think
its because the language is very loose.  Developers left in a perl
environment have the freedom to do what ever they want.  Sadly, many
people when let loose of the artificial controls and hinderinces and
having no inner order of their own do not typically do well...I wax
philisophic though.


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