[TriLUG] Problems with webserver at home

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Wed Mar 12 10:07:41 EDT 2008

At 9:52a -0500 on Wed, 12 Mar 2008, Roy Vestal wrote:
> How would I go about adding the virtual hosts?

Like it looks like you've already done it.  <VirtualHost> directives
to Apache.

> firstsite.example.com # would be the first host I'm assuming
> secondsite.example.com # wouldn't this bring up the first
> site?

No.  This is just a pointer from your machine to when you use
either of those names.  In the HTTP headers that your browser sends,
there is a Host line

Host: secondsite.example.com

Apache will listen at for requests, but use the Host line to
decide how to respond.

> <VirtualHost *:80>
> Servername firstsite.example.com:80
> DocumentRoot "/www/site1"
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> Servername secondsite.example.com:80
> DocumentRoot "/www/site2"
> </VirtualHost>

It's the ServerName directive that tells Apache from what DocumentRoot
to service the request.

You might spend a minute looking through the Apache docs on virtual
hosts.  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html


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