[TriLUG] and free dns hosting

John Broome jbroome at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 14:06:42 EDT 2008

On 3/12/08, stan briggs <stanbriggs at gmail.com> wrote:

>  i use ZoneEdit.com. there is a limit of 5 domains (per login). the really
>  cool thing is that not only do you get what appears to be complete control
>  over your dns server entries but they've got a dynamic DNS capability that's
>  included.

I'm also using zoneedit for my wife's domain, but for mine and other
clients I/we use easydns.com.  It's not free, but it is very good, and
very fast with the updates.

Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying
Yoko Ono was a Beatle.
 --JSN on dailykos

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