[TriLUG] Libertarian over-representation (was:: [offtopic] Considering a move to RDU area)

Kevin J. mrkevinj at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 30 22:01:10 EDT 2008


----- Original Message ----
From: Brian Phelps <brphelps at ieee.org>
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion <trilug at trilug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:18:45 PM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Libertarian over-representation (was:: [offtopic] Considering a move to RDU area)

Fuck to your political.  Go shit on your favorite band music.  I hate a
librarian and econons too.  Long live emporor Gates

On Wed, 2008-04-30 at 20:36 -0400, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
> James Tuttle wrote:
> > Really, though, I've been wondering for some time why libertarian 
> > thought seems to be over-represented in TriLug compared to the general 
> > population.  Anyone have any ideas about that?
> Is it over-represented? Of all the members of TriLUG that I know, I know
> of maybe 3 besides myself who strongly and openly self-identify as 
> (l|L)ibertarians.  I'm sure there are at least a few others who lean
> that way, but don't get involved in political dicussions, but I haven't
> noticed TriLUG displaying any disproportionate bias towards libertarian
> thought.  <shrug />
> That said, tech-heads in general seem to lean libertarian more than
> the general population.  So much so that somebody coined the term
> "techno-libertarian" to describe that niche.  Heck, when I was at
> Red Hat, I think the breakdown of political beliefs (at least in my 
> group) was actually such that Liberals/Progressives and Libertarians
> were the two "major parties" and the Neocon/Theocon camp (the folks
> who call themselves Conservativves these days) were actually the minority.
> Unfortunately Wikipedia doesn't have an article about the "techno 
> libertarian" nice as a separate entity, but what they call 
> techno-utopianism overlaps and touches on the techie / libertarian
> relationship a bit.  Might make for some interesting reading.
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techno-utopianism>
> As before, I ask if we can please take this to the trilug-ot list, for
> anybody who feels the urge to continue this discussion.
> -- 
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