[TriLUG] pitching Ubuntu vs Vista

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Sun May 11 09:39:00 EDT 2008

I'd appreciate {fresh eyes, fact checking} regarding a pitch I'm
planning to make to buy a Dell Inspiron 530N with Ubuntu vs
Lenovo ThinkCentre M57 6395 with Vista.

I'm starting a new gig as a grad student @ UNC. My boss is currently
planning to buy

 > Model: Desktop [ThinkCentre] m57eco 6395UN2
 > Processor: Intel [Core 2 Duo]  2.66Ghz
 > Hard Drive: 160GB
 > Optical: CDRW/DVD Combo
 > Memory: 2GB (4 GB max) 1 available [slot]
 > Software: UNC Custom Software Load
 > OS: MS Vista
 > [3 Year Warranty]
 > Bundle Price w/17" Monitor: W101947 $874.00
 > Bundle Price w/19" Wide Monitor: W101948 894.00
 > Price without Monitor: $709.00

but has said that he'd consider other desktops (i.e. non-laptops) with
comparable price/performance. The local Dell rep, Ken Klawonn, pointed
me toward their Inspiron 530N with Ubuntu for base config=$509


(We may be eligible for additional edu discounts from Dell, but I'll
use these $ for now.) The base config includes (excerpted)

- CPU=Pentium dual E2180 (1MB, 2.00GHz, 800FSB)
- RAM=1GB DDR2 SDRAM 667MHz (2GB=+$50, 4GB=+$150)
+ monitor=19", flat panel (no monitor=-$190)
+ HD=250 GB 7200 RPM (320 GB=+$50)
+ optical=16x DVD+/-RW
+ GPU=nVidia GeForce 8300GS 128MB (8600GT 256MB DDR3=+$90)
- warranty=1Yr In-Home Service, Parts + Labor, 24x7 Phone (3 yr=+$170)

and the alternate configs that seem most applicable are

{RAM=1 GB, warranty=3 yr, monitor=19", video=128 GB}=$679
{RAM=2 GB, warranty=3 yr, monitor=19", video=128 GB}=$729
{RAM=2 GB, warranty=3 yr, monitor=no, video=128 GB} =$539
{RAM=4 GB, warranty=3 yr, monitor=no, video=256 GB} =$729

given that I don't know as much as I'd like about the usecases for
this box. I suspect it'll be used mostly for lightweight data
visualization, and shelling into RENCI for the heavy lifting.

ISTM the main arguments for the ThinkCentre are

- the high ratio of local windows/linux support. Not much I can do
   about that, except to say we probably won't need ITS support. Is
   Dell support (i.e. beyond the warranty) worth buying?

- the Core 2 Duo E8200 beats the Pentium dual E2180. Faster, more
   cache. Can't touch that, no?

~ the "UNC Custom Software Load" gives you MS Office, Photoshop
   (Elements), SAV, and a buncha *nix emulations. If not preloaded, I
   can put OOo, GIMP, and Clam on myself, and no need for the

The main arguments for the Inspiron are

+ linux is more efficient. We can run what we wanna run, and no more.

+ linux can use 4 GB RAM, whereas Vista can only see 3 GB.

+ the Inspiron has 50% more disk (double if we pay $50 for the 320 GB
   HD) with same spin (7200 rpm).

+ the Inspiron has better graphics, esp the config with the nVidia
   GeForce 8600GT.

Does this sound right? or am I pegging your BS meter?

TIA, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

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