[TriLUG] how-to: preshare ssh key

Ron Joffe rjoffe at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 3 14:14:52 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 03 June 2008 14:02, Warren Myers wrote:
> Ron - the rsyncd man pages don't look exactly the clearest, so I'm going to
> ask:
> My specific problem is that I have a master repository of content that may
> or may not be updated, but must be replicated from a parent server to too
> child servers if it is updated.
> If the repository *is* updated, new data will be on the order of gigabytes
> (these are os images).
> If using rsync in daemon mode makes sense, I will definitely need some
> assistance as I've only ever been on the receiving end of rsyncs in the
> past (I'm a mirror for m0n0wall).
> Thanks,

Simple example:

Server A is the source

Server B is the mirror

1. On server B edit the rsyncd config file (/etc/rsyncd.conf)
   Here is an example of a single directory being syncd:

   uid = root
   gid = root
   use chroot = yes
   transfer logging = true
   log format = %h %o %f %l %b
   log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
   pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid

     path = /data/
     read only = false
     hosts allow = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

   The hosts allow would be the ip address from server A
   The path would be wherever the root directory of your repository
   Please read the man pages to understand each line from this file and the 
   security implications. This is just a simple example

2. Start up rsyncd on your server B (my systems "/etc/init.d/rsyncd start")
   Make sure your firewall is not blocking your rsyncd port (873)

3. Then on server A, you can schedule a cron job that does the following:

   rsync -Pazuvq --delete /data/ B::data/

   This will sync the directories /data (and everything below) 
   Notice the :: which specifies to use the rsyncd port
   Please read the pages on the options I have specified above.

That should be all it takes.

This can also be turned around such that rsync is running on Server A, and the 
rsync command is executed from server B.

Let me know how it works!


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