[TriLUG] DD-WRT v24

kwoodie at gmail.com kwoodie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 07:30:02 EDT 2008

I too use tomato.  I tried ddwrt about 6 months ago and had the same stability issues.  I love tomato for the real time bandwith monitoring and the excellent QOS.  I work from home about 50% of the time and I have configured vpn to take presidence over all other traffic.  I would recommend tomato to anyone!

Keith Woodie
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Lance A. Brown" <lance at bearcircle.net>

Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:24:36 
To: Triangle Linux Users Group General Discussion<trilug at trilug.org>
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] DD-WRT v24

I've been using Tomato at home for months and just used it on the two 
Wireless router access points we deployed to support web reporting staff 
at a convention I worked this past weekend.

Very nice.  I like Tomato a lot.


Paul McLanahan wrote:
> Is anyone else using Tomato (http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato)? I
> switched my two buffaloes from DD-WRT to Tomato a few months ago when
> experiencing some intermittent problems with WDS and lockups. I
> haven't had a problem since. The interface is a LOT better IMHO. Since
> it's working so well for me, I probably won't switch back to try the
> new version of DD-WRT. I was just wondering if anyone has a compelling
> reason to, or not to use Tomato.
> Thanks,
> Paul McLanahan

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