[TriLUG] For Sale: ASUS WL-500W

Jim Tuttle jjtuttle at trilug.org
Wed Mar 18 11:20:05 EDT 2009

See http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320011
ASUS WL-500W IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.11n Draft Multi-Functional Wireless

I bought this for $90 and there is $20 mail-in rebate that I haven't
submitted.  I bought this to try to solve a problem with my wife's
Macbook, but the problem is the Macbook.  I used the router for less
than a week, bought it 2/19.  Currently, it's running DD-WRT v24 SP2
Mega.  The router is awesome, but I don't need it.  I have an RMA number
and plan to ship it back to NewEgg Saturday.  I just noticed that it's
selling for $120 and thought it might be a good deal for someone.  I'm
not trying to make money on it and would sell it for the $90 I paid and
the buyer could get another $20 from the rebate.

I thought about keeping it and using the 2 USB ports for NAS, but with a
baby on the way, I'd rather just get my money back.


Jim Tuttle

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