[TriLUG] permlinks or redirect management in Apache

Christopher L Merrill chris at webperformance.com
Wed Mar 18 14:40:48 EDT 2009

That sounds pretty good. I didn't know about "configtest" - that should
resolve some of my concerns with non-admins editing the apache config
file, though I'm still a little hesitant.

 > If pass, script runs a graceful for them.

Was that meant to be  "...a graceful restart for them"?  Would it still
requires a full restart of Apache?   Hmmm.


Greg Cox wrote:
>> 1) redirects in httpd.conf
>>   Works, but requires editing httpd.conf. I'd like to keep admins out of
>>   the loop, but don't really want anyone (me included) touching 
>> httpd.conf
>>   unless necessary. It also requires an apache restart...also something I
>>   would like to avoid.
> How about you add:
> Include "/path/to/redirectsfile.conf"
> Lock the file down to root, then give them sudo to vi that file (hi 
> audit trail)
> Then, whip up a script they can sudo call.
> Script needs to check the file (everything's either a comment
> or a RedirectPermanent, right?).  If pass, run a configtest.  If pass,
> script runs a graceful for them.

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Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
chris at webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601

Website Load Testing and Stress Testing Software & Services
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