[TriLUG] Download Timeouts

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Sun Apr 19 11:59:08 EDT 2009

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Jason Evans <jason.s.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
> However, if I download anything over a couple of megs my
> download rate drops to zero until I pause the download and restart.
> This happens regardless of the software whether it be apt-get, wget,
> or firefox.

Here's my WAG:


You could test whether this is in fact the issue by using something
that is not TCP (eg. ping) while the download is failing. If you can
still ping a bare IP with no problems then you have a clue. Short
answer fix: use something newer than gutsy. Try Jaunty. The RC is out
and the final release will be out in just a few days.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
"The fun thing is to try to persuade others to share your opinions
about what rules and what sucks. Nothing is more fun than evangelism."
  --Larry Wall

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