[TriLUG] RTP Local cable-pulling company

Clay Stuckey claystuckey at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 11:23:38 EST 2010

  I can do it.

Clay Stuckey
(919) 600-0486
claystuckey at gmail.com

On Jan 6, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Ron Kelley <rkelleyrtp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a good and reasonably-priced company that  
> installs CAT-5 here in RTP?  I have a buddy who is moving his  
> business into a new building, and we need to get CAT-5 installed in  
> each office.  The building is just a shell right now, so the  
> installation is pretty easy.  Preferably, the company should be a  
> certified installer as we have to pass inspection.
> I would do this myself, but we are looking at about 30 drops (4  
> cables per drop) in the building which would take me much longer  
> than necessary.  An experienced set of guys should be able to finish  
> the job in about 3hrs max.  Depending on price, we may also get the  
> installers to punch down all wires in the closet and make the  
> necessary wall-plate connections.
> Thanks for any pointers...
> -Ron
> --
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