[TriLUG] RTP Local cable-pulling company
stan briggs
stanbriggs at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 12:59:57 EST 2010
i've known and used scott mclaughlin at strategic connections for many
years. good reliable guys that do a great job.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Ron Kelley <rkelleyrtp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good and reasonably-priced company that installs CAT-5 here in RTP? I have a buddy who is moving his business into a new building, and we need to get CAT-5 installed in each office. The building is just a shell right now, so the installation is pretty easy. Preferably, the company should be a certified installer as we have to pass inspection.
> I would do this myself, but we are looking at about 30 drops (4 cables per drop) in the building which would take me much longer than necessary. An experienced set of guys should be able to finish the job in about 3hrs max. Depending on price, we may also get the installers to punch down all wires in the closet and make the necessary wall-plate connections.
> Thanks for any pointers...
> -Ron
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Stan B. Briggs
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