[TriLUG] Anyone work in Bioinformatics and need a volunteer?

Justis Peters jtrilug at indythinker.com
Mon Mar 8 22:29:00 EST 2010

Adam Jennings wrote:
> Anyone on the list work in informatics?  I am in my first semester of my
> master's in Bioinformatics from UMUC and I am looking for a way to gain some
> practical experience in the field.  I am a little over a year from leaving
> the military and I want to have all my ducks in a row. My schedule is pretty
> flexible at work and I am not asking for a lot of anyone's time.
> I haven't had to search for a job since I joined the military and I think
> that by getting some experience via shadowing/volunteering/interning with
> someone will help give me some insight into the industry.
> I have been looking as NCSU's website and I will be emailing the professors
> there also.

You should also send this email to the TriZPUG (Triangle Zope and Python 
Users Group) mailing list. I know there are a few people there who work 
in bioinformatics. You can find out more about the group and the mailing 
list here:

Best of luck with your Masters program and with your future job search.

Kind regards,

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