[TriLUG] OT: part-time linux sysadmin job

Stephen Joyce stephen at physics.unc.edu
Wed May 19 16:17:10 EDT 2010

Please feel free to forward this to any qualified persons. Aptitude and 
attitude matter as much as education and experience. We're looking for 
20-30 hours week.

Part time Assistant Systems Administrator
(20-30 hrs/wk)

Duties include assisting with installations, maintenance, and upgrades to 
workstations and servers, primarily running Linux. Candidates should have a 
good technical aptitude and want to develop skills that go beyond those of 
your average IT monkey.

Prior experience working with Linux is of course required.

Examples of possible duties include:
  - answering technical questions about common Linux software
  - writing scripts to automate simple tasks
  - compiling and/or packaging specialized software
  - upgrading end-user workstations (hardware and/or software upgrades)
  - interacting with students, faculty, and staff of various computer
    literacy levels
  - educating yourself and your colleagues about relevant issues

Ideal candidates probably already have experience:
  - administering Linux for themselves and family/friends
  - with common unix utilities (gnu software, latex, etc)
  - understanding common internet protocols and concepts (ssh, scp, rpc,
    nmap, firewalls, etc)
  - writing simple scripts (bash, perl, python, or php)

The selected candidate will receive:
  - somewhat flexible hours to allow for outside committments (majority of
    time worked is during business hours, but time off for classes, family,
    etc. is fine)
  - a convenient on-campus work location
  - the ability to build his/her resume while making money
  - pay commensurate with experience

As mentioned directly above, pay is commensurate with experience, but I'm 
sorry to say it's generally NOT competitive with industry jobs in RTP.

If this sounds appealing to you, please email your text resume and cover 
letter to unixadmin-job at physics.unc.edu. No Microsoft-formatted documents, 
please. Due to the training required to get up to speed with our 
infrastructure and computing environment, preference may be given to 
applicants who can commit to at least 8-12 months part-time.

Please note that this job is located in Chapel Hill on the UNC campus. This 
position is classified as a temporary position, so it does not include 


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