[TriLUG] A contact at TWC?

MG mgmonza at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 00:33:22 EDT 2010

I found the Consumer Complaints division of the Attorney General's 
office quite helpful when Verizon got me in a nightmare situation over 
in Western NC.  They (Verizon) has sent me equipment I had not 
requested, would not let me return it, would not promise not to charge 
me for it and then refused to cancel my internet account.

Turns out the AG's office even had a special section for internet 
provider screw-ups - the operator at the 800 number gave me that 
division after i'd explained what was going on.  A forwarded copy of the 
filed complaint greatly improved the ability of staff at Verizon's 
corporate headquarters to read and write, too - I finally got an answer 
to my letters and the whole thing resolved after I wrote and included that.

If you're willing to go as far as the Better Business Bureau, you might 
want to give the AG's office a try first.


On 7/19/2010 1:20 PM, Lucas Myers wrote:
> Complain to the Better Business Bureau.  You might also try sending your
> story to consumerist.com (owned by Consumer Reports) and also see if they
> have any TWC executive contact info so you can send them and EECB (executive
> email carpet bomb). Sometimes public scrutiny from a consumer advocacy group
> can get things resolved quickly and/or brought to the attention of people
> who can change things.  Keep in mind though that TWC and other cable
> companies often hire contractors to do service connects, run cable drops,
> etc so even all the complaining in the world to TWC might not have any
> impact.
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 1:06 PM,<matt at noway2.thruhere.net>  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 3:24 AM, Matt Flyer<matt at noway2.thruhere.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I was wondering if anyone knows of a contact at Time Warner Cable that
>>>> is high enough up on the food chain to actually care about the
>>>> customers?

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