[TriLUG] web window size

Glenn Hennessee glenn.hennessee at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 13:53:36 EDT 2010

Put the content in a <div></div> that has been styled with a width is 
the only way I know of attempting this but it won't actually change the 
size of the browser window. As far as I can determine javascript is the 
only way to change the window size. The suggestion of checking browser 
agent and branching is your only bet for actually doing what you want to 
do I think.

e.g. <div style="width:400px; "> </div>

On 07/20/2010 01:20 PM, William Sutton wrote:
> You mean, short of wrapping the content in a table with a max width 
> specified?
> William Sutton
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Brian McCullough wrote:
>> Has anybody had any success in forcing a particular web page window 
>> size ( from the server ) when the browser does not do Javascript?
>> I have a web size that has a relatively small page size ( doesn't use 
>> much of the page ), intended for mobile use, and some browsers render 
>> it with large amounts of "white space", rather than scaling things so 
>> that the "real" content is what shows.
>> I have found that I can change this with Javascript, but this only 
>> works on certain browsers ( usually desktop ).
>> Setting dimensions on the HTML and BODY tags seems to have no effect, 
>> aside from failing validation.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
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Glenn Hennessee
Department of Chemistry
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27606
Voice: (919) 515-2947 FAX: (919) 515-8909
Email: Glenn_Hennessee at ncsu.edu

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