[TriLUG] OT What local tv service do you use with your mythtv?

Mark Kempster mark at kempster.org
Fri Oct 15 10:52:41 EDT 2010

Thanks all for the input!

I was under the impression that one couldn't use mythtv (or perhaps
more precisely, the tuner cards) to read a signal off the wire and
create a video file without some magic box from the provider, be it
from ATT or TW digital. Obviously, I need to do some reading there.

I'd like to have a single home server that'll do regular ol' backups,
tv recording, and download-from-the-interwebs for playback on the tv
(I dislike plugging in my laptop). My grand plan was to run mythtv
with a bunch of recording tuners, and decouple that from other players
in the house (not so with Uverse - they give you 4, but everything you
do whether it's recording, watching, watching in another room, takes a
slot. It's quick to run out of slots on a busy evening.)

One of my big fears was losing the
multi-channel-without-provider-hardware feature of lowbrow TW Basic
when I switched to any of the digital providers, but perhaps I need to
re-evaluate that again.

Thanks for the info.

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Jason Sullivan <jason0x21 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Mark Kempster <mark at kempster.org> wrote:
>> I used a tivo with time-warner basic cable for years. I added a mythtv
>> near the end, and then about a year ago switched to Uverse.
>> [...]
>> I'm just not as thrilled with the whole deal as I was hoping for, and
>> I'm considering the switch to another service that will let me use my
>> mythtv again. I'd like to stay legal and with a 'normal' tv stream -
>> I'm not ready to make the leap of buying or downloading every show the
>> family wants to watch.
>> If you're using mythtv, what local service to you use it with?
> What problems are you having using Uverse with mythTV?  I hear mixed
> reviews but some folks on the mythTV list seem to have it working.
> That said, I still use mythTV with analog cable (like Sean, and it
> works well enough), and I recently added an HD homerun for Over The
> Air HD.  Aside from probably needing a better antenna I couldn't be
> happier.  I'm dreading the switch to digital cable, and hoping we get
> done with all this "channel" nonsense and I can order shows a-la-carte
> when I finally have to give up the analog tuner.
> TWC is only allowing digital cable with new accounts now (from what I
> understand), so you might want to find a digital TWC user with mythTV
> to check before you switch.
> --
> Jason Sullivan
> jason0x21 at gmail.com
> --
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