[TriLUG] OT: Earthlink and ISPs

tj bimasakti at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 21:47:01 EST 2010

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Jim <jjtuttle at trilug.org> wrote:
> On 12/03/2010 04:42 PM, Carl Crider wrote:
>> Thanks for posting this John. I'd hate for this discussion to turn
>> into an "Indian call centers are
>> too blame ..." rant, and mislead anyone. TWC makes $ leasing bandwidth
>> in order to afford
>> more of their own. As does every other large bandwidth provider. I've
>> referred a ton of people
>> to Earthlink cable, and I know 2 of them that have changed ... because
>> they moved out of state.
>> When (if ever) we Earthlink cable customers have bandwidth, hardware,
>> or outage-type issues,
>> remember to call TWC. If you can't remember your password or need to
>> change your billing,
>> call Earthlink. Both companies have chat support as well. Although the
>> TWC version does
>> not work with Firefox on Debian. Oh well.  :)
> I didn't mean to imply, if I did, that "Indian call centers are to blame
> ..." for slow speeds.  My experience with Earthlink/TWC was awful mostly
> because I was passed back and forth between two companies, neither of which
> wanted to take responsibility for issues.  I don't mean to impugn Indian
> call center employees, but I've found that my experiences trying to resolve
> issues through them have been unpleasant.  I don't know why that is.  Maybe
> they aren't empowered with making decisions.  I have no idea.
> You pointed out that Earthlink customers should call TWC for assistance.  I
> would have preferred that but TWC kept bouncing me back to Earthlink.
> Thanks,
> jt
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well. It works for me most of the time, just call TWC with internet issues.
oh, never mentions  that you are under earthlink cable, let TWC guess
or say to you.
you just use whatever your billing information that sent by TWC.

or if TWC cust support  that handle you case is fed-up , he/she would
tell " why dont you switch to Road Runner, and we can handle your
issues in the future directly".  It happened once on me :D. I was
smiling and surprised

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