[TriLUG] Upcoming vote on TriLUG non-profit status
Carl Crider
c.crider at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 12:30:10 EST 2011
Don't know if my "vote" counts, but listening in, but FWIW.
If TriLUG were to start doing more community-related Linux / OSS work, I'm
happy to support the non-profit
status all the way; as well as do some of the community work. I must admit
that I have given very little
$ to TriLUG over the last several years of being on the mailing list, but I
do like to get my hands dirty
helping people.
Without TriLUG, I don't know if I'd be where I am with Linux these days.
Seriously. Whether you should
choose to stay a NP group, or not, count me in as a paying member in 2011.
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack at wm7d.net> wrote:
> I don't have enough info to vote yet.
> I started going through the .WAV file, but the prospect is daunting and I
> don't have any guarantee that I'll find what I want.
> The vote has been presented as "do we want to dissolve the corp?" (or
> something close to that)
> o what state are we in?
> I understand that we aren't a 501(c)(3) anymore as the result of someone in
> CA pulling a plug. Are we in a defined legal status now or does something
> need to be fixed? If it's fixed, what state will we be in?
> o what state(s) can we move to?
> From statements in this thread, we can be an IRS 501(c)(3), an NC State
> non-profit or just a bunch of people who meet now and then by mutual
> agreement.
> I understand that we owe money and/or paperwork to the State (last meeting,
> Alan said that we were paying a lawyer to fix some problems). How long do we
> have to fix this? What happens if we exceed the time?
> For the state(s) we can moveto, what are the consequences for TriLUG of
> those moves? (what can we do/not do, what's required to maintain the state)?
> Do we have someone who understands how to execute the transitions and
> maintain the new state?
> o What are TriLUG's finances? What's our burn rate, income, obligations (I
> assume maintaining the server, and pizza for meetings)?
> I assume before we can make a sensible decision on our next step, we need
> to know where we are and where we can goto
> Thanks
> Joe
> --
> Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
> jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
> generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
> Homepage http://www.austintek.com/ It's GNU/Linux!
> --
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