[TriLUG] Upcoming vote on TriLUG non-profit status
Jeff Schornick
jeff at schornick.org
Thu Feb 3 14:52:53 EST 2011
Per Joe's request for the LUG's basic financial status...
Trilug currently has cash assets of $842.93. After a few outstanding
liabilities to SC members, we have $793.63 to our name.
Since June, we've spent an average of $165 per monthly meeting (pizza,
drinks, etc), with an average monthly donation of $204. Slightly over
half of this (54%) comes from money pitched into the hat during
meetings. The rest is from sponsors.
We have no other recurring monthly expenses. Server hosting is
currently provided to TriLUG for free. The bank account I use incurs
no fees. Meeting space is donated by Red Hat.
Annually, we incur a few minor recurring charges (PO box rental) and
have a few small administrative expenses (membership card printing,
As a result, we're a roughly cash flow positive organization when no
taxes(*) are considered. That said, we don't have much spare change
lying around if our donations and sponsors dried up for a few months.
If you need any more details, don't be afraid to ask. While not
published online, I consider our books open to any TriLUG member.
- Jeff
(*) I'd actually appreciate some advice on how to calculate any
applicable tax due by TriLUG, given our non-501c3 status. Contact me
off-list if you can help. Thanks!
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