[TriLUG] OT: URGENT: H.129 to be heard in Thursday's Finance Committee!

Mark Turner jmarkturner at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 07:22:44 EDT 2011

On 03/16/2011 04:41 AM, David Burton wrote:

> Lance, this bill creates no roadblocks for any municipality which wants to
> create
> a city-owned broadband service for its citizens and run it like an
> ethical, for-profit
> business, or even to run it like a legitimate non-profit.  It prevents
> anti-competitive,
> monopolistic misbehavior by municipalities, which is right.

Now, if it only did that for anti-competitive, monopolistic commercial 
providers, we'd have a TRULY level playing field. Instead we have a 
sham. Your friend Rep. Avila is doling out corporate welfare at the 
expense of us all. For shame!

And yes, I've read the bill. The draconian restrictions it places on 
cities will kill not only the future municipal broadband projects but 
the existing ones in Wilson and Salisbury. When these systems fail in 
five years it will affect our state's bond rating.

That's Rep. Avila's gift to North Carolina. Perhaps it will be her 
legacy, too.


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