[TriLUG] PHP Compile Warning

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Sat Apr 30 11:48:20 EDT 2011

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Vaibhav Mishra <anurodh78 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Cristóbal for your reply and time.
> My need is to use 5.3.5.

You've said this before, and what I'm asking you to do is explain to
me why 5.3.5 is a requirement. I ask this because I believe you can
push back on that requirement and go with 5.3.6 instead.

>   1. is it possible by RPM? Because when I run yum install php on my rhel
>   5.6 box, it tells me you have latest PHP (that is 5.1.x) is already
>   installed.

If you read the documentation on the iuscommunity website that I
linked in my previous message, you'll see how you can replace the
stock RHEL php packages with either php 5.2.x or 5.3.x packages from
their repository.

>   2. is it possible to install 5.3.5 via RPM and it will compile/confgure
>   with all the option which I mentioned in my previous post?

Yes, but that will mean you will be responsible for building the rpm.
That is totally doable, but in my personal opinion not worth your
effort given what I take to be your current lack of familiarity with
building php and rpms. If you do choose to go down that road, I
suggest you start at the rpm documentation. Here's as good a starting
place as any:


Tiny version of same: http://goo.gl/Ekel6

>   3. If answer to above points are YES, could you please point the RPM
>   link.

Note especially the multiple documentation links under "1. Learn RPM."
on the page I linked above.

Again, I'm not sure this is actually worth your time. You should push
back on the 5.3.5 requirement and instead pursue using the
compiled-and-ready packages in the iuscommunity repositories. If those
don't meet your needs, then start with the 5.3.6 source rpms provided
by the iuscommunity folks.

Again, relevant parts of their site are here:


Using their already-compiled rpms:


Using their source rpms:


Cristóbal Palmer
Systems Administrator
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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