[TriLUG] PHP Compile Warning

Vaibhav Mishra anurodh78 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 11:54:55 EDT 2011

Cristóbal ,

I deeply appreciate your inputs. Let me discuss this with my user's
community and return back here again.


1. You recommend/suggest to go for 5.3.6 instead 5.3.5?
2. Does RHEL 5.6 support any version above 5.3.3?

I will read once more iuscommunity documents as how can I better benifit out
of it.

Many thanks & regards,


2011/4/30 Cristóbal Palmer <cmp at cmpalmer.org>

> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Vaibhav Mishra <anurodh78 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks Cristóbal for your reply and time.
> >
> > My need is to use 5.3.5.
> You've said this before, and what I'm asking you to do is explain to
> me why 5.3.5 is a requirement. I ask this because I believe you can
> push back on that requirement and go with 5.3.6 instead.
> >   1. is it possible by RPM? Because when I run yum install php on my rhel
> >   5.6 box, it tells me you have latest PHP (that is 5.1.x) is already
> >   installed.
> If you read the documentation on the iuscommunity website that I
> linked in my previous message, you'll see how you can replace the
> stock RHEL php packages with either php 5.2.x or 5.3.x packages from
> their repository.
> >   2. is it possible to install 5.3.5 via RPM and it will compile/confgure
> >   with all the option which I mentioned in my previous post?
> Yes, but that will mean you will be responsible for building the rpm.
> That is totally doable, but in my personal opinion not worth your
> effort given what I take to be your current lack of familiarity with
> building php and rpms. If you do choose to go down that road, I
> suggest you start at the rpm documentation. Here's as good a starting
> place as any:
> <
> http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Network_Satellite/5.4/html/Channel_Management_Guide/Channel_Management_Guide-Building_Custom_Packages.html#Channel_Management_Guide-Building_packages_for_RHN-RHN_RPM_Guidelines
> >
> Tiny version of same: http://goo.gl/Ekel6
> >   3. If answer to above points are YES, could you please point the RPM
> >   link.
> Note especially the multiple documentation links under "1. Learn RPM."
> on the page I linked above.
> Again, I'm not sure this is actually worth your time. You should push
> back on the 5.3.5 requirement and instead pursue using the
> compiled-and-ready packages in the iuscommunity repositories. If those
> don't meet your needs, then start with the 5.3.6 source rpms provided
> by the iuscommunity folks.
> Again, relevant parts of their site are here:
>  http://iuscommunity.org/Docs
> Using their already-compiled rpms:
>  http://iuscommunity.org/Docs/ClientUsageGuide
> Using their source rpms:
>  http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/SRPMS/repoview/
> Cheers,
> --
> Cristóbal Palmer
> Systems Administrator
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> --
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