[TriLUG] Own your own cable modem?

Matt Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Thu Nov 17 19:44:34 EST 2011

>>> R
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> TWC is actually offering a couple of new DOCSIS 3 plans under the names "Roadrunner Broadband Extreme" and "Wideband Internet". I and a few folk I know have them and it's quite snappy.

My brother got wide band for about a day and a half.... They put their own wifi docis 3 router in, and they won't let it bridge to your firewall.  So if you have a firewall of your own you want to run, it's behind their nat'd wireless router.  So you would end up with double nat behind your firewall.  Not what any of us want.  If you go wide-band, it makes sense to buy your own.  Or at least this is what I've been able to surmise so far from my brother's experience.

Matt P.

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