[TriLUG] Debian 5 ISO?

Aaron Schrab aaron at schrab.com
Fri Apr 20 01:44:13 EDT 2012

At 01:02 -0400 20 Apr 2012, Brian McCullough <bdmc at bdmcc-us.com> wrote:
>I have a bit of a strange request, but I am looking for a Debian 5 CD
>or, more likely, ISO image.
>I have a netinstall image, and am running into problems when it tries to
>access the repositories.  Even though it appears to be configured for
>Lenny ( 5 ), it seems to be receiving Squeeze ( 6 ) responses from the
>I am hoping that somebody has an old Debian 5 Full CD or even better DVD
>ISO image for i386 that I could have or borrow.
>Ultimately, I am after a PostgreSQL 8.3 DEB package, because I have an
>8.3 database that I need to dump and reload into 8.4.  Squeeze does not
>provide 8.3 in any way.

Since support for lenny has expired, the main servers no longer carry 
packages for that.  But they are still available from 
archive.debian.org.  For instance, the main postgres 8.3 package for 
i386 is available at


That server also has Packages and Release files, so you should be able 
to use the following in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://archive.debian.org/debian lenny main

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