[TriLUG] Remote Power Control

Aaron Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Mon Jul 30 08:34:36 EDT 2012

In my mind, these are the big vendors for remote power switches, in my
order of preference, based on having deployed hundreds of each and
supported them for years:
1) Servertech
2) Cyclades (now Avocent)
3) APC
4) Baytech (based near Louisiana, had lots of capacity issues after
Katrina, mostly bounced back now as far as I know).

Some of the main advantages of the Servertech are that it has better
support for SSH auth, even pubkey, and has a marginally more
scripting-friendly interface.  Servertech is also often cheaper than
APC or Avocent for comparable units.  Note that my understanding of
cost is after negotiating w/ the companies on ridiculous volume, it
may not be as true at retail.

On the flip side, if you're using Avocent or Baytech serial
controllers, you might get marginally easier integration with remote
serial and power.  Specifically, the ability to associate a power plug
with a serial port, and powercycle it while looking at the remote
serial console w/o navigating a separate menu.  Avocent has some
ability to control the Servertech strips in the same way.  I haven't
used these features as much but I mention there existence as it can be
handy if you only have a couple of the devices.

Good luck!
Aaron S. Joyner

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Michael Peterson <yieter at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Ron Young <ronyoung at nc.rr.com> wrote:
>> Tim,
>> That sounds perfect.  I hope you can remember the contact for that device.
>> It sounds like a rack type PDU that I am familiar with used in large
>> datacenters that can be used to power cycle a single outlet in the strip
>> via an IP address and a port number.
> I've been using an earlier model of one of these at work for a few years:
> http://www.controlbyweb.com/webswitch/
> Works great!
> Michael
> --
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