[TriLUG] first post: looking for basic Linux course

Jym Williams Zavada trilugj at jrwz.net
Tue Aug 21 10:15:23 EDT 2012

Although it's not a course, I highly recommend the book "Running Linux" 
(http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596007607.do), the first edition is 
what I used to cut my teeth on for learning Linux ages ago.  That along with 
an earlier edition of "UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook" 
are the two invaluable books from which I learned system administration.

-Jym Williams Zavada

On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 at 09:53, Jeffrey Crews wrote:

> Hello all-
> I'm Jeff C. I'm a Splatspace member from Durham who's been interested in OS
> hardware for a few years, building a couple of 3D printers and a CNC mill.
> I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of years but have been dodging the
> necessity of becoming familiar with what's under the hood. So, now I'm
> looking for a good basic intro to Linux.
> A quick look online finds a huge amount of material: free courses, paid
> courses, dead tree versions, etc etc. I need to winnow that down. Justis P.
> suggested that I sign up and ask here.
> I'd appreciate any recommendations for a basic, progressive Linux course
> to get comfortable with using the command line and so I have a better
> chance of understanding some of the error messages.
> I don't necessarily need a cert, but material analogous to a basic cert
> would probably be about what I need to start. TIA for any suggestions.
> -- 
> This message was sent to: Jym Williams Zavada <trilugj at jrwz.net>
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