[TriLUG] Flash, was Re: first post: looking for basic Linux course

Tim Jowers timjowers at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 08:38:32 EDT 2012

*Hi Jack,*
*In short, "yes, for animation apps". Flash is faster and can be designed
as video strips. Adobe just purchased PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows one to
write mobile apps using js and html. (The remainder was open sourced as
Apache Cordova but I think PhoneGap will stay the brand name for Adobe.).
 Flash is probably still much better for making animation-centric apps than
is js. But there's lots of momentum building for js (node.js and other
serverside technolgies are another example.) You can use native code for
game apps or do things in Flash or in js gaming/graphics libraries. Check
out abcmouse.com for one example of a very successful Flash app.*
*iOS: no flash but there are some work-arounds: *
Android: Flash works. You usually have to install it to your phone
aftermarket however.
Linux: Adobe provides flashplayer.
Flex: (java layer for making flash apps integrated with server) Abandoned
by Adobe.
Air: Adobe runtime or VM which works on many platforms
DreamWeaver: Supports jQueryMobile and many other things for making
phone-based and other complex apps.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Jack Hill <jackhill at jackhill.us> wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Aug 2012, bak wrote:
>  Yes, this.
>> I learned how to do Linux stuff the first time around by buying a system
>> from a property surplus warehouse and installing BSD on it.
> I don't mean to nit-pick, but was curious if you mispoke, or if BSD, by
> virtue of being something (older, simpler, less popular, a cleaner design,
> etc.) actually tought you something about Linux. I've been meaning to do a
> BSD install for some time, but keep getting distracted. I guess I need a
> specific project for it, but all the projects I think of I can just
> implement on top of my GNU/Linux systems. Maybe I should get into
> filesystems and look at NetBSD and puffs.
> Also, someone suggested working on a Free flash implementation. Is Flash
> that interesting of a technology compared to in-browser JavaScript and Java
> applets?
> Jack
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