[TriLUG] OT: PT One tech issue from tonight's debate

R Radford rradford at mindspring.com
Fri Oct 19 22:55:54 EDT 2012

> Where are you going to get someone with 10yrs of any of these skills? (Where
> are you going to find someone who's been programming the same system for
> 10yrs and wants more?) From within the company, or from your competitor(s).
> No-one else has 10yrs of these skills. Why would a person from the
> competition want to move to exactly (or almost) the same job. I don't know.
> Perhaps they can't be promoted there.

I accepted a job at NetApp about 3 years ago and I had ZERO storage
experience - just programming experience, so I call BS on your comment
that they have to be promoted from within.

> The only competitor is EMC^2 and they only have a storage facility here. The
> programmers are in Boston (AFAIK). So the only place NetApp can fill the NC
> positions, without someone moving, is from within the company.

Again, BS, after spending 3 years at NetApp, I decided to bounce over
to EMC where they have a very active development site here in the RTP
area.  I am working on the VTL (virtual tape library) team and I had
exactly ZERO experience with VTL before accepting the position.  I
just had to show to them that I could learn the technology - and that
was accomplished by showing what I had done at previous companies
(only 3 years of which was storage - the rest across the board).

> If so, this would indicate that none of those 24 jobs at NetApp in NC will
> be filled by regular programmers out and about in RTP.

Sorry, complete BS.

If you spent half of your time whining actually studying and learning
new technologies and applying yourself to looking in the triangle, I
am positive you would have a better outlook on life.

Your entire view of life, in general, of technology, the US, and NC is
depressing - if you really find it so bad, have you considered just
giving up and moving on to somewhere else where you think you would be

I promise it will not happen for you - you have to seek it out -
either here or somewhere else.

I see a couple people on this list being very negative, and I don't
understand it.  I have had my share of ups and downs, but I don't
blame the economy, or the country, or other countries.  I have decided
I want to stay here - in this country, in this state, in this area, so
given that, I look to see what I need to do to make myself more
marketable to the jobs available here - I don't see it as any more
difficult than that.

Obviously we have different views, but is there any need to continue
droning on and on about it?

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