[TriLUG] Network Attached Storage Recommendation

Jeffrey Macko jmacko at macko.net
Mon Mar 11 11:26:47 EDT 2013

I'm not so sure swapping storage will solve the issue you're experiencing...   

I'd figure out the why before blindly swapping things that take lots of time and money.

-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On Behalf Of matt at noway2.thruhere.net
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 11:19 AM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: [TriLUG] Network Attached Storage Recommendation

At work, we have some Windows servers that are used for common shared drive access via mapped drive syncing.  This has proven itself to be problematic in terms of reliability.  For example, someone will make a change to a file only to find later that it didn't really update when someone else tries to access it, yet gave no indication of an error.

I was discussing this situation with a fellow employee who is in the IT department and he suggested getting an NAS instead of relying on Windows servers.

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a decent NAS device that is reliable, moderately priced, and would appeal to someone who strongly prefers Linux or BSD over Windows.  It would be used primarily as shared storage and backup rather than rapid file access.  Most of the machines in the dept are Windows based with centralized Active Directory Authentication and support for this would be a bonus.

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