[TriLUG] Palmer for another SC term; proposed amendment to the bylaws

Matt Pusateri mpusateri at wickedtrails.com
Thu Apr 25 18:42:24 EDT 2013


On Apr 25, 2013, at 9:10 AM, matt at noway2.thruhere.net wrote:

> I have been thinking about this one since the subject came up yesterday.
>> (Aaron Joyner) So... I'm a bit mixed on the Anti-Harassment policy[1]
> This is pretty much my position on it too.  I don't see lack of an
> harassment policy being the cause of insufficient gender diversity, but
> rather more like what was described in an earlier post about the need for
> outreach.
> I wouldn't oppose having a policy, if that is what the group decides but I
> don't see it as beneficial either.
> Instead of a harassment policy, I would rather see a simple, generalized
> statement, to the effect of it being a goal to create a welcoming
> environment for everyone.  In other words, "don't be a tool".  In my view,
> having an anti-harassment policy written into the bylaws is a form of
> negativism that takes us down the road of needing moderators (police)
> which I think has become a real problem in our society in general,
> creating an environment where we (collectively) can't act like and deal
> with things like professional adults and instead require some external
> authority to act on our behalf.
> -- 
> This message was sent to: M. Pusateri <mpusateri at wickedtrails.com>
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