[TriLUG] iptables & FUD

William Sutton william at trilug.org
Mon Apr 29 17:44:02 EDT 2013

First a bit of background so you know how I got here, then some additional 

I have used, in approximately the following order, the following window 
managers (since the mid 1990s):
1. OpenLook (olwm).  Clunky.  Ugly.  Really, really, really clunky and 
2. fvwm2 (with tkgoodstuff for a menu).  Light-weight, minimalist, no 
eye-candy at all.  much nicer than olwm.
3. a rotating cast of AfterStep, fvwm95 and KDE 1.x.  fvwm95 was an fvwm2 
theme developed to look and act like Windows 95, which was fine as far as 
that went.  there were some nice things about KDE 1.x, and about 
AfterStep.  I even created the very first Star Wars theme for KDE 1.x.
4. Enlightenment revisions .13 through .15, with either the KDE or Gnome 
menu bars.  Once Red Hat killed Enlightenment support and introduced 
Sawfish, I dumped Red Hat.  The move to Enlightement was due to the 
stunning desktop themes overlayed onto digitalblasphemy backgrounds (still 
some of the most impressive, IMHO).  Sawfish was someone's idea to have 
mix-and-match themes on the same desktop, and while fun for a while as 
something to kick around, was ultimately not a good idea long-term; 
moreover, it introduced way too much overhead and cruft.
5. Enlightenment .15/.16 with gkrellm as a system monitor.  I finally got 
annoyed with both Gnome and KDE (which, in case anyone doesn't know or has 
forgotten their history... KDE was the first purpose-designed Linux 
desktop environment; Gnome was a Red-Hat sponsored anti-KDE desktop 

Enlightenment by itself basically acts like a very fancy fvwm2.  You have 
right/middle/left mouse context menus on the desktop, very complex 
themability, shading/translucency, and window move/resize effects.  My 
generally preferred theme is the Shiny Metal theme although I've lately 
been using the Industrial theme.

The most current and extensive collection of Enlightenment themes I know 
of is at http://themes.effx.us/e16

When Enlightenment was first released, it was either loved for its slick 
looks or hated as a resource hog.  In the intervening years, its resource 
usage has remained about the same... so that by comparison with modern KDE 
and Gnome desktop environments, it really is a classy looking fvwm2.

It has a configuration directory (either .e16 or .enlightenment, depending 
on distro and installation), with locations for background images, themes, 
and context menus (which are editable in a text editor).

As a sample, my apps menu file currently is:

"User Application List"
"Eterm" NULL exec "Eterm --trans --shade 60 -f white -v --scrollbar-floating --buttonbar=0"
"XTerm" NULL exec "xterm -fg white -bg black"
"GVim" NULL exec "gvim"
"OpenOffice" NULL exec "ooffice"
"Firefox" NULL exec "firefox-bin"
"The GIMP" NULL exec "gimp"
"Pidgin" NULL exec "pidgin"

My .xinitrc (to kick things off when I startx from text mode) is:

/usr/bin/gkrellm -geometry 0-0 &
/usr/bin/xscreensaver &
/usr/bin/synergys &
exec /usr/bin/e16

easy, simple, clean, beautiful, and no extra cruft :-)

William Sutton

On Mon, 29 Apr 2013, Steve Litt wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:20:10 -0400 (EDT)
> William Sutton <william at trilug.org> wrote:
>> Not the least bit.  I haven't used Gnome (or KDE) as a desktop
>> environment in about 10 years...I've been strictly Enlightenment
>> E .16.
>> William Sutton
> William,
> How do you like Enlightenment? Do you have a way to compare it with
> Xfce and LXDE? I recently heard pretty good praise of Enlightenment on
> the SVLug list, and although right now I'm pretty much an Xfce guy, I'm
> thinking of checking out Enlightenment.
> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
> Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance
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