[TriLUG] Lunch Meetups

William Chandler wcchandler at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 12:07:06 EDT 2013

Hey List,

I noticed TriLUG used to have lunch meetups in the past.  I'd like to
bring these back.  For those unfamiliar -- the attitude and atmosphere
is pretty light hearted and informal -- what you'd expect from

I'd like to open up the discussion about possible locations, dates,
times, etc. to gauge the interest.  We'll probably move these around
so more people can participate but it'll be nice to get the ball
rolling.  So far the suggestions have been Remedy Dinner in downtown
Raleigh at 1pm, Thursday the 18th.  I'd like to suggest some place
closer to RTP -- maybe Brixx Wood Fired Pizza in Brier Creek at 12pm
on Monday the 22nd.

Again, I'm open to any ideas or suggestions.  I'd like to see a nice
informal setting where we can get together and gripe about work
policies, big changes in the latest kernel, BSD vs GPL, or laugh about
how ridiculous the LKML posts are regarding Linus and Sarah's latest
debacle [0].


[0] - http://linux.slashdot.org/story/13/07/15/2316219/kernel-dev-tells-linus-torvalds-to-stop-using-abusive-language

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