[TriLUG] Hardware recommendations

James Jones jc.jones at tuftux.com
Tue Aug 27 13:26:10 EDT 2013


As a retiree, I have plenty of time but not lots of dollars. One of my
church duties is to operate the sound system . We recently purchase a
Behringer X32 Digital audio mixer. One of it's capabilities is that I
can actually control it from home.

The one thing I can control is the power switch for the audio rack
which includes the mixer and the main audio power amplifier.

I am looking to purchase a rack mounted ip managed power control
system to take care of the power problem. Ideally, I would like two
devices - one for the rack and one for the amp, since the rack is
powered from a small ups and the main power amplifier is not.

Why do I want remote control? A trip to the church and back home is
nearing 12 dollars. When there is a small function that doesn't
qualify as one of our services ( a wedding, etc ), It would be nice to
give them audio without giving my bank account a beating.

Any hardware suggestions would be appreciated. Our church is small (
around 225 members ), so cost is a consideration.

I might even purchase it myself since 10 trips might equal the cost of
some I have seen on line.

Jc Jones
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