[TriLUG] WAY OT: anyone need a small pet cage? for free?

Scott Lambdin lopaki at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 17:44:18 EDT 2013

It could be for a penguin.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:58 AM, stan briggs <stanbriggs at gmail.com> wrote:

> all,
> yeah, this is WAY OT but i've heard enough side conversations about some
> pets from this groups members that i thought i would give this a shot
> before putting it on craig's list.
> i started building a bird cage. footprint is 2'x4' and it's 2' tall. 2"x2"
> corner posts. plywood bottom. one end is plywood. the other three are
> 'chicken wire'. the top was never finished because both birds died.
> so, if anyone wants it it is free to a good home.
> let me know if anyone wants it or if you're offended by me posting
> something that is so far off topic to this group.
> thanks,
> stan
> --
> Stan B. Briggs
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