[TriLUG] Analytics for trilug member services

Bill Farrow bill at arrowsreach.com
Mon Nov 4 14:20:24 EST 2013

TriLUG provides a number of services to our members: website, mailing
list, shell accounts, email, etc

Unfortunately we don't measure much of anything right now. So I am
looking for help to implement something. What would you like to see,
and how should we gather and distribute the data ?

Should all of this go into a database ? Can we anonymise it and make
the data publicly available ?

 - total bandwidth usage
 - cpu/mem/disk usage

 - hits per day/week/month
 - incoming search terms
 - top 10 pages

Mailing List:
 - membership level
 - subscribe, bounce, unsubscribe rates
 - traffic volume, posts per day, etc

 - incoming & outgoing traffic volume
 - number of active user accounts

Shell Accounts:
 - number of active users
 - traffic volume
 - authentication types (password vs key)


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