[TriLUG] OT: Arranging Employer Provided Broadband is Hard

Ron Kelley rkelleyrtp at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 15:44:10 EST 2014


Have you considered getting a MiFi through Verizon or AT&T?  Last time I checked, I learned you can get a static IP Address with those units.  Depending on your usage (GB/month), you might find the MiFi is a better option for you - especially if you like to travel since you won't be stuck at home with your TWC connection.

Just a thought.


On 1/2/14, 1:57 PM, Scott Chilcote wrote:
> Hello John,
> The  answer, at least for me is because $BOSS requested for it.  My
> guess?  It's because we do contracting, and one of our customers wants
> it.  Perhaps it's because static IP simplifies whitelisting and
> traceability.  Going deeper, I could speculate that recent large
> hemorrages of highly confidential information is playing a role.  I know
> of other remotely located software contractors who are having to deal
> with more onerous security requirements, so it seems plausible.
> The "paperwork" won't be a problem.  It just requires autopay to a
> corporate charge account.  AT&T said they wouldn't split the broadband
> out, so that means that if we stay with Uverse we'll have to nix the TV
> portion.
> Thanks,
>     Scott
> On 01/02/2014 12:46 PM, John Broome wrote:
>> I don't understand why $WORK is requiring the vpn *client* to have a static
>> IP.  I'm all for faster broadband, but i just ran a speedtest on my
>> connection (that I WFH on) and got this:
>> http://www.speedtest.net/result/3203004028.png  No issues here.
>> It seems like this will be a paperwork nightmare on the ISP side of things.
>>   Could you bump up your current service & do a recurring monthly expense
>> report to $work to get reimbursed for it?



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