[TriLUG] Earthlink as ISP

Andrew Stephenson tendonut at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 07:33:52 EST 2014

I can vouch for this. When I moved to the Triangle 4 years ago, I used
Earthlink for the first year at my apartment. After that, I moved to
Morrisville where I was forced to go with an unknown ISP that had some
exclusive contract with my complex. It was awful. Then when I bought a
house (new construction) in Holly Springs last year, I discovered that
Earthlink won't be able to provide you service if TWC hasn't updated their
database to show that you are in a serviceable area. Keep that in mind if
you are buying new construction. I had to go with TWC directly until their
database reflected my neighborhood being serviceable.

Anyway, if you're looking to make the switch from TWC to Earthlink, it is
literally a 5 minute phone conversation. Nothing more. I switched from my
15x1 service by TWC to 15x1 by Time Warner and it was literally just a
billing change and I didn't even have to provide them with new billing
information. No need to swap out my hardware (since TWC will be providing
the Earthlink service anyway) and I was told I would lose my (unused) TWC
email address. Big friggin' whoop. When I looked at my TWC account, I saw
the new $41.95 price instead of the (recently increased) $59.50. Totally

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Hrivnak, Michael <mhrivnak at hrivnak.org>wrote:

> I've seen a lot of grumbling recently about Time Warner's ISP pricing, so I
> thought I'd share another option. It's always nice to save a little money.
> Earthlink's website has historically done a terrible job of providing
> accurate information about what service is available at your address and
> for what price. Sure enough, the prices on their website now are $10/month
> higher than what they quote over the phone or even by live chat.
> In Raleigh, I just signed up for 15x1 residential cable modem service for
> $29.95/mo for 6 months, then $41.95/mo. Cable modem is included. No
> contract. It's the same service as Time Warner, it's installed by Time
> Warner, and you get billed by Time Warner. But it's a cheaper monthly rate,
> and they provide a free cable modem.
> I've had this same pricing from Earthlink at my previous address for over 6
> years. The price stayed the same, but the service got faster at least
> twice. I hear that Time Warner likes to do the opposite.
> You can also apparently get 20x1 for $39.90/mo for 6 months, then 51.90/mo.
> As a bonus, when the live chat person asked "and the operation system of
> your computer, is it Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or Mac?", and I responded
> "Ubuntu 13.10", there were no questions or further discussion. It was
> business as usual.
> It's been a good experience for me, and maybe this will help some of you
> save a few bucks.
> Michael
> --
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